Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The dust settles

We'll take your hell and high-water and raise it one: aandhi aur toofan- dust storms and typhoons. These are the curses of our sub-tropical climes. And because I had forgotten why, here's a reminder:

This is my handprint in the dust that is covering every surface of my house. Despite tightly shut windows and bolted doors, everything is coated in dust. This is the aftermath of a dust storm that blew out of nowhere (ok out of the Gulf if we must be specific), reduced visibility in Karachi to 200 meters, with wind speed of up to 63km/h. Our airspace was shut down. This is what the city looked like:

Image courtesy Jalal Qureshi

And this a day after this report: The Air We Breathe. But it is too soon to start worrying about respiratory malfunctions, there is still a house to clean.

My floors looks ghostly- layers of powdery dust turning everything a rather grim grey, grey crisscrossed with little feet prints. Many little feet prints; prints of children who thought nothing of running around barefoot in the dust, and then snuggling on sofas to read, before wiggling their dusty toes into very clean beds...oh dear. 

There is dust in every nook and cranny and crevice of my house, and since I don't believe in minimalist interiors, there are many very dusty nooks, crannies and crevices. The thought of cleaning all of this, of restoring some kind of order is so overwhelming, that I am tempted to just go sit out in the garden with a book, and maybe the breeze will just blow the dust away. 

It really is hard to capture wind in pictures by the way! But believe me these are GUSTS

I soon realize it is impossible to sit outside- the gusts of wind are making all my chimes ring out insanely, little pots keep falling about, and am soon covered in dried leaves and more dust. 

I am now reduced to doing the only sensible thing left to do. I am seeking refuge at my local, friendly cafe, Espresso, while I read a hugely appropriate novel. 

Here is a review: The Guardian's review, since am too lazy (brain covered in dust and all that) to write my own. But it is a brilliant read, especially for all those who can't stand minimalist interiors, perfectionism and are just nonchalant when it comes to housekeeping :)

By the way, please leave a comment- your comments make my day!


  1. Umbereen.....really enjoy your style of writing, it is simple and non convoluted English yet extremely descriptive, with bits of humour and realism.....you should write a book but better still teach creative writing to our bachas, Ammar would be there...yeay, thats an idea, have it once a week and make it fun and a whole new learning experience....pleeeeeese, we'll all pay....seriously think about it!!

  2. Thanks Shabnum- that it so sweet! Actually the blog is meant as a warm-up exercise- am trying to write something, and start the morning by dashing this off. It is easy, no pressure and I get myself in the mood to write :)


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